‘Submit to authority’

‘Submit to authority’

Cotinued from last week

ABRAHAM WAS instructed to sacrifice his son Isaac and he obeyed to the point of making attempt of doing just that when God intervened. “God said to Abraham, ‘Take your son, your only son, Isaac, whom you love, and go to the land of Moriah and offer him there as a burnt offering on one of the mountains I shall point out to you’” Gen 22:2. Today, we call Abraham, “The Father of Faith” Reflect on your relationship with God and see how obedient or disobedient you have been to Him who made you somebody from a-nobody and make amend where necessary.

Samuel obeyed Eli’s instructions and encountered the Lord. 1 Sam 3:1-18. Today, Samuel occupies an enviable position in the Holy Book, the Bible. The man with 38yrs ailment obeyed Jesus, got up and went home. If he had disobeyed Jesus, he would not have experience healing. The angel told the women, “Now go at once and tell his disciples that he is risen from the dead and is going ahead of you to Galilee. You will see him there. This is my message for you” Mt 28:7. The women obeyed him.

 President Buhari told the IG to stay in Benue during crises but his orders were not carried out.  President Buhari said in Benue on March 12, 2018, “But I did not know that the IG did not stay in the state. I am getting to know this at this meeting. I am quite surprised” He said he was not aware that the Inspector General of Police, Ibrahim Idris, ignored his instruction to relocate to Benue State during the crises in the state.

The IG’s disobedience wrecked a lot of havoc on the innocent people: many died while a great number of people had to relocate to IDP camp. That remark ended the case. So, no victor, no vanquish. After all, the President and his IG are both Fulani; they must have resolved the matter amicably! But God is not a Nigerian; he hates insubordination. Look at the case of Jonah for example. God instructed Jonah to go to Nineveh and deliver a special message but he decided to travel to Tarshish.  When God says yes, nobody would say no! “Great and marvelous are your works, O Lord God, almighty. Right and true are your ways, O king of the nations.” Rev. 15:3.

God may instruct you to rescue Nigeria in any capacity. So, obey God’s instructions without fear.   You don’t have to be a professor or a popular politician before God rescues Nigeria through you. He  qualified Moses to lead the Israelites out of Egypt; He  made Peter the fisher, a fisher of men; he made George Weah, the footballer a President to lead Liberia to peace; he made Obama, the first African-American to rule over United States of America. Allow God to use you to put an end to the terror going on in Nigeria.

It is time we examine our consciences as Nigerians and God fearing people. Mrs. Geraldine Ejiofor reminds us again through her comment, “Nothing disturbs more than conscience because it pricks you when you see the one you offended or disobeyed.” Do not fail to carry out God’s instructions, lest you offend him.

When you have time, read 1Samuel 15 and 16 meditatively. God sent Samuel to anoint Saul as king over the people of Israel. God instructed Saul to destroy Amalek for having stood in the way of the Israelites when they were leaving Egypt. Saul and his men spared king Agag and the best of the sheep, oxen, fatlings and lambs and destroyed all that was worthless. Saul and his men decided to sacrifice these animals to God. And God said, “I feel sorry that I made Saul king because he  has turned his back  on me and has not kept my commands.” 1Sam. Does the Lord take as much delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices, as in obedience to his command? Obedience is better than sacrifice and submission better than the fat of rams.” 1Sam.15:11, 22.

That was how Saul lost God’s favor and kingship to David much later because of his disobedience to God. Most of our politicians have abandoned the electorate and use their position to amass wealth. Unfortunately, the electorates are dying in silence. They take consolation in the saying, “Nigeria go survive!” and “God dey!” The God who brought down the tower of Babel will not abandon his people. The God of justice will bring to book, those who take delight in plunging the Nigeria nation into a bottomless pit. Deliver us O Lord, for we are sorrowing in silence!

God has bestowed on every human being certain favors and blessings. Let us identify them and show appreciation for them. And above all, let us listen to God’s instructions and carry them out accordingly so as to remain within his confine. God knows what is best for us any day, any time!


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